What Benefits Does A Roofing Contractor Bring To The Table?

What Benefits Does A Roofing Contractor Bring To The Table?

What Benefits Does A Roofing Contractor Bring To The Table?

Installing, repairing, or replacing a roof can be a risky and treacherous job if you’re not a trained professional. Although there are plenty of DIY home improvement projects you can accomplish at home, roofing isn’t one of them. Roofing requires special training and skill-set only professional roofing contractors have. Since your home is perhaps your biggest investment, you don’t want to play around with it and risk causing more damage to it or harming yourself. Overall, here are the four things a roofing contractor does a general contractor cannot:

1. Expertise

General contractors may be able to do some repairs to your roof, but a roofing contractor has the specialized expertise to point out issues with your roof and how to best fix them. Most states require roofing work to be executed by a licensed roofer, so it may be illegal for a general contractor to install, replace, or repair your roof.

For example, New Hampshire does not require roofers to have a license while Massachusetts does. Working with a licensed roofing contractor will give you peace of mind knowing they have extensive knowledge and experience to work on different types of roofs. They have been trained in every aspect of roofing, making them well-equipped for large and risky projects such as residential roofing.

2. Professional Roof Inspection

A professional roofer will go over what your roof needs with viable options on how to fix different issues. They are well trained to know what to look for, so they’ll more likely pick up on problems a general contractor might not have seen or even heard of. Your roof is the first line of defense for your home, so if anything goes wrong, it could cause serious implications for the rest of your home. A professional roofer will find issues early and repair them before they turn into bigger, costly problems.

3. Provides Trained Workers

A reputable roofing contractor will use trained workers to complete your roofing project. You’ll save time and money since trained roofing specialists can efficiently get the job done in a timely manner. Additionally, roofing professionals often provide a workmanship warranty, giving you peace of mind someone will come back and fix your roof if anything goes wrong. It’s their way of standing by their work and assuring customers of their quality workmanship.

4. Knows your Local Building Codes

Finally, a local roofing contractor knows your local building codes and follows them for your roofing project. Building regulations vary by state or city, and they often change from time to time. A local roofing contractor is constantly updated with the latest policies and will train their crew accordingly. However, there’s no guarantee a non-local contractor is aware of the specific local requirements to bring your home to code.

So, if you’re in need of roof installation, repair, or replacement, don’t hesitate to contact Adam Vaillancourt in the Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts area. We are your trusted local licensed and insured roofing contractor with years of experience working with different types of residential roofs. We stand by our workmanship so you can rest easy knowing your roof is covered. Contact us today to get a free estimate on any roofing project.