How to Make a Holiday Roof Display

Santa Claus

You know the old song, “Up on the rooftop, click, click, click. Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick.” Well, as experts in the roofing field, we can promise you the only time you should hear a “click, click, click” on your roof is with the arrival of eight tiny reindeer. With the holiday season upon us, chances are you’re out there decking the halls and lighting the way for Santa’s sleigh. Making a quality roof display is going to take time and attention. If you try and rush it, you’re risking the need for roof repair in NH. Follow this advice, and your roof display is sure to impress ole Santa Claus.


Be Aware of Shingles

The shingles are the foremost protective layer of your roof. That’s why when you’re decorating, it’s essential that you don’t damage them. So many people jump straight to the staple gun for securing lights, but this is careless. Puncturing holes in your shingles will allow moisture from snow and rain to seep in and damage your roof. To hang lights, use clips to hang them from the gutters instead.

Pay Attention to Electricity

When you’re up on the roof, you’re bound to run into power lines. When you’re decorations are cumbersome, such as inflatable Santas, they can move and wave in the wind. It’s important to keep your display away from potential shock hazards. For those who plug their lights into electrical cords, remember to use waterproof power cords.

Work as a Team

Working up on the roof in the winter can be tricky. With snow and debris that may be there, it’s smarter to work as a team while decorating. Especially when climbing the ladder, you’ll need a partner to hold it steady.

Take them Down Carefully

Once the holidays are over, and the gifts have been delivered, you’ll need to take them down. Be careful because this process is more likely to cause damage to your roof than putting the decorations up. If you just grip and rip the lights from their locations, chances are you’ll need roof repair in NH come the springtime.

Holiday decorating is a fun way to get into the spirit of the season. It takes time and care to put up a safe and festive display. Be sure to work as a team and avoid power lines. If you notice any damage has occurred as you take them down, call Adam Vaillancourt Roofing for roof repair in NH. Contact us at 1-866-636-0006 or visit us online.