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Tips to Remember for Cold Weather Roofing

November is a transitional month. Although it’s still considered fall, a New England November feels much closer to winter. The temperatures drop to bone-chilling levels. Meanwhile, you’re just as likely to see snow on Thanksgiving than on Christmas. This time of year makes it difficult to get outdoor work done. When it comes to roof repair in NH, the cold weather holds its own problems to overcome. Here are some important tips for roofing in cold weather.


What is Considered Cold?

The term cold is vague as different people have different tolerances. Cold weather can be defined as anything under 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius. That’s the threshold before human bodies and roofing equipment begin to act differently. At and under these temperatures requires safety precautions.

Snow Covers Dangers

In New England, there’s a good chance your roof is covered in snow during the cold weather. Snow creates a lot of safety hazards to be cautious of. Aside from the slippery when wet effect, snow can cover up debris like fallen branches and tears in the shingles. On the other hand, roof repair in NH means you need to be aware of where skylights sit.

Roofing Materials

Roofing materials behave differently in the cold. For example, asphalt shingles become brittle and harder to work with. One way to prevent asphalt tiles from cracking is to store them in a warmer environment until they’re ready to use. The best temperature to keep asphalt tiles at is between 40 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Other materials such as nail guns have been known to jam in the cold.

Call the Professionals

Due to the complications that come with roofing in the winter, it’s best not to take the risk yourself. The job becomes even more dangerous for those who aren’t used to roofing. For roof repair in NH, call the professionals. Contact Adam Vaillancourt Roofing at 1-866-636-0006 or visit them online today.